PACKAGES doimukh-sagalee-pake-kessang Seppa
Tourists can experience the age old tradition and culture of the Nyishi tribe

If you want to explore this circuit, then we would recommend at least 3 days to explore this amazing circuit

Doimukh-Sagalee-Pake Kesang-Seppa

Flora & Fauna
Nyshi Tribe
Natural Landscape

Pickup: Doimukh
Drop Off: Seppa
Doimukh (Day 1): which is 25 km from Itanagar is situated on the left bank of river Pare and can be seen from the capital complex. The Rajiv Gandhi University is situated atop a hill called Rono Hill.
Sangram is a beautiful hill station. River Paging, which is a tributary of Kurung River flows through this natural scenic landscape. The location of this place and its rural landscape is ideal for nature lovers and adventure seekers.
Sagalee (Day 2): is 112 km from Itanagar and is a sub-divisional headquarters. It is situated in a beautiful valley with eye catching natural landscape. Here tourists can experience the age old tradition and culture of the Nyishi tribe.
Pake kessang is a beautiful natural valley. Papum Reserve Forest has a wide flora and fauna diversity.
Seppa (Day 3): which is 412 km from Itanagar is the headquarters of East Kameng district. It is a beautiful town located in a valley on the banks of the Kameng River. Tourist attractions include the district museum; district craft centre and library.