Advertisment The latest updates and announcements ⚡“Hunar Se Rojgar Tak” An Initiative for Self-Employment (Free training for Tourism & hospitality trade) ⚡Free Guide Training for Tourism & Hospitality Trade ⚡Entrepreneurship Programme under CBSP Scheme ⚡Public Notice Lists of candidates who have successfully completed the DBSDP conducted at Roing, Dibang Valley district in the month of March 2023 Lists of candidates for HRST and DBSDP 2022 Guidelines for Approval and Registration of village homestay in Arunachal Pradesh Advertisement for scheme “Credit Linked Capital Subsidy Scheme” Advertisement – Applicants for all the courses of HSRT-2015 are directed to report at conference hall of Directorate of Tourism Advertisement – Free training for skill Development in Travel and Tourism for 8th class Passed for hospitality and 10 passed for driving skill in 18 -28 yrs age group Advertisement – Short term courses of Hotel Management at lnstitute of Hotel Management, Guwahati for academic session 2015-16 Advertisement – Apply for admission in 1st year of 3 years B.Sc. in Hospitality and Hotel Administration. Re-structuring of Chief Minister Paryatan Vikas Yojana scheme as per the following new guidelines Terms & Conditions for the Chief Ministers Paryatan Shiksha Yojana-1 (CMPSY-1) and Chief Ministers Paryatan Shiksha Yojana – II (CMPSY-II)